Tuesday 7 May 2013

OK, So this will be new to me and a place to vent.
First off, No one has to agree with me or be nasty with counterpoints. Let's be civil.
As a worker in Tech for over 30 years, the evolution has been fantastic and overwhelming.
However, the emerging social and public trends are beginning to become quite disturbing.
I will expand on my thoughts and observations as time goes on. It is hopeful that some perspectives will provide a path for reflection.
First off I am writing this on a computer, a device I have owned since 1984. When purchased it was a learning tool, a device to make things simpler. As we all know now, a computer is anything but!
We cannot live without them and they dominate our lives.  How many of you can shut it off for a day?
I can.
I'll leave this as is and continue.
If any one reads this, I appreciate it.
Stick around things may get interesting.
The  photo is an Atari 512ST after my Commodore 64 this was a real computer.